Lets meet Rebecca

We are welcoming new Pilates teacher Rebecca to the Pilates Hut team, lets get to know her a little more



I began practicing Pilates 17 years ago when I was living in Texas and pregnant with my first child, and I continued my practice through the birth of my second child. Pilates helped me get back into shape quickly after my first pregnancy and taught me to consider my posture when carrying my children on my hip and toting the car seat around. When my son was 3 and my daughter 10 months old, my husband ‘s job brought us to Scotland. As I no longer had family nearby and needed a crèche, I went back to traditional exercises in a gym.

Just over three years later we moved again, this time to Brazil. While there I learned Capoeira, a form of martial arts, to maintain my fitness and flexibility and I also had a personal trainer. After 21/2 wonderful years we found ourselves uprooted once more, and my husband’s job brought us back to Scotland.

Once we arrived, I began a continuous cycle of requiring massages, chiropractic treatment and acupuncture as I was constantly in pain in my neck and shoulders. Looking back, I remember I had done the same in Brazil, but I figured it was due to all the volunteering I did and the accompanying stress. I loved volunteer work, but if you have ever volunteered you know what I mean. Between running around with the kids and my volunteering activities, I was extremely busy, so I assumed that my pain was due to the stress.

One day, after months of having difficulty sleeping, the pain became so severe as it radiated through my arms and legs that I finally decided to see a doctor, who diagnosed a deteriorated disc in my neck. At the time I could not pinpoint the cause, but as time has passed, I’ve become convinced it was due to something that occurred when I was thirteen and being a kid. The doctor told me to stop the exercise I was doing and consider just walking, and to see a physiotherapist.

So, I did just that, resuming the massages and acupuncture and adding in an osteopath. Without a doubt this relieved the pain and I looked forward to going for my cure/fix every four weeks.

Then one day my physiotherapist suggested Pilates to improve my core and my posture, so I began attending a class.



    Within the first year I definitely noticed a difference—after doing Pilates my pain would dissipate.

Although seeing an osteopath and having acupuncture and massages was still part of my regime, the time I needed between those extras and the Pilates classes grew.

Over time I have become extremely in tune with my body and I know when I need the extras. I no longer have acupuncture or see the osteopath, and while I still have a massage now and again as I just enjoy it, it’s no longer essential.

After five years I have discontinued all of the different methods of temporary healing and focused on Pilates. Now that I am free of pain, I’m once more able to enjoy aerobics and dancing to music, always of course keeping in mind my posture and my core.



  Pilates has taught me so much and my desire to push myself to the next level has been good for me.

So, when the opportunity arose to work with Michelle, I realised I could use my passion to help others so that one day they too can be pain-free and live a better life. I love to learn new things through reading, workshops and courses. I enjoy arts and crafts and working with my hands to create something new, and I believe every day is a learning experience if we open our eyes and our minds.



Now that I am an instructor, my awareness has changed, and I notice people’s posture and how they walk. I have always liked to see people improving by challenging themselves, not only mentally but also physically.

My journey has been a long and confusing one and I know there are many others out there who are struggling with pain and sleepless nights. With this newfound education I will continue to learn about the body as there is so much to explore. I won’t pretend I know the answers, but I certainly will research things and try to find out.

Through my educational process I have learned that Pilates is for everyone, even the young. They may participate in physical activities to keep fit, but they also sit at a school desk for long hours, often bent over a phone or tablet, which leads to terrible posture habits for this new generation. And this is before they start a career which may see them sitting at a desk for even longer hours. Pilates is great for anyone who plays sports, but it is also hugely beneficial for people with desk jobs or who travel frequently.



  One of my favourite stretches is the roll down. Most of us don’t take the time to flex the spine on a daily basis, and this movement allows for flexion of the entire spine as well as a stretch through the hamstrings, strengthening the abdominals and helping to improve posture.      



Come along to one of our classes to welcome Rebecca and discover how  pilates can improve your life too. 


Find your Head and Neck Alignment  


Lets Meet Michelle