Pilates @ Home in your own time

Missed Classes this week or just looking to do some extra practice 

We record our Matwork class weekly and post the codes to the Zoom session below: 

Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/vt2OFzFGUIGhC4CiSy2bWN5nUuGX0BUKhGK1BuP95sH3z5rT7BeKlVQZnoWVhf4h.ibVpKfuX1PS_mQqb

Passcode: $GSN.06^

Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/1gKGzvTalcz5fi60m_VU5esWatfRSl0S7HgPphNja5pOxhJe5PtJeQ5d0enADDGP.TBc3cGQtHXWVory8

Passcode: ?=qG6^!*

Session: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/o0mqkm-6UToPjXPoGcagq63nkzh8YWgUGu0ybJLGSiqApRkz1zpdxR0jB44WBCla.PgvBhLkbqdtlRhq1

Passcode: 11q.PPy4

The Pilates Hut - YouTube

If you need help exercises for a specific issue then please do ask and we can arrange a PDF\ Video workout for you. 


Principles of Pilates