Reclaiming my body: a beginner’s perspective on Pilates

Winter has played havoc with my body.  Too much time spent indoors, moving very little, stodgy foods, the excesses of the season, I feel lethargic and stiff swaddled in layers of forgiving clothes.

With the days stretching and Spring on the horizon, the prospect of shedding some of those layers horrifies me.  Time to motivate myself to get moving, tone up, stretch out, feel better within myself and even lose a few pounds.
I keep hearing and reading about Pilates.  That’s supposed to be good for us.  Isn’t it?  I decide to go for it at The Pilates Hut at Inchmarlo.  Local – tick.  Plenty parking – tick. 
Signing up was the easy bit.  Turning up for the first class … not so easy.  Would everyone be bendy experts clad in skin tight Lycra?  Will I make a fool of myself?
Taking a deep breath I jump in.  Everyone is “normal”, friendly and welcoming.  The studio has a gentle buzz, a calming atmosphere and the most stunning view.  My fears begin to evaporate.

The teacher is fun and friendly and takes the time to explain everything in detail, even how to stand. We focus on posture and small gentle movement to get the body warm.  Nothing that will get the heart rate racing.  It feels good.
Next, we work on our balance.  I discover to my horror I can’t stand on one leg!  Surely I do this all the time, but here, with the focus on posture, control and accuracy it’s tricky.  And I’m not the only one finding it a challenge.  We all giggle a little as we wobble.

For the main part of the class we roll down to the mat and carefully ease ourselves to a comfortable lying position.  My mind begins to drift as we “breathe”.  Surely we all know how to breathe?  The accompanying movements are simple and subtle.  Can this really be doing anything?  A bit of focus and concentration and I begin to be aware that it is indeed doing something.

“Connecting with my centre” I think I’m doing pretty well.  The teacher thinks not.  How can she tell?  A tiny, tactful adjustment makes a vast difference.

Four classes in and I’ve discovered it’s fun to move and stretch and twist.  I’m beginning to feel that lightness which comes from developing a strong, supple body.  And that joy of movement has surprising benefits too.  It calms me.  It quietens my nervous system, de-stresses me from the rigours of the day and frees my mind to allow time for self-reflection, which I now acknowledge isn’t an indulgence.  It’s a necessity in these times.

After only a short time I find the movements come naturally to me, and not only in class but as I go about my day.  My posture has improved, my concentration is sharper and I’m building stamina.

Spring?  Bring it on.  I’ve reclaimed my body!

Pilates Classes for Every Body!
We have a wide variety of classes to suit all abilities whether like the story above you are just starting your journey or just looking for somewhere to continue your practice.
Please check out our website for information or call 07887893562\ Email
We look forward to meeting you!

Written for the Pilates Hut by Eileen West, representing common feeback from our clients. 


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